Clean flooring is a must to ensure your workspace is clear of trip hazards, contamination and germs. With any workplace, people are involved within the production of services so this can cause havoc when it comes to tidiness and germ control – it can be near impossible.
With the correct floor sweeper that’s built for success, you needn’t need to worry about the maintenance of a clean and clear floor. However, you must invest in the right equipment for the job at hand. But… Where do you start? Don’t worry, we’ll explore the perfect machine in this post.
We’ll run through the importance of a clean floor, Factory Cat Model TR Ride-On Floor Sweeper specifics and the industries that can benefit from this time-saving machine. Let’s get into it!
We’ll cover
- The Importance of A Clean Floor
- Factory Cat Model TR Ride-On Floor Sweeper: The Specifics
- The Industries That Can Benefit
The Importance of A Clean Floor
Cleaning the floor and keeping on-top of workplace cleanliness can be a never-ending task but it’s an essential part of maintaining a successful business. Although the output of your business is important, hygiene should NEVER be overlooked and it should at the top of your priority list. Here’s why.
Accident Prevention
Some accidents in the workplace can be prevented – including unnecessary trips and falls due to debris and spillages. Not only do accidents put your employees at risk but this can slow down the production processes of your business in the long run.
Avoiding this can easily be carried out by a quick once over from an industrial ride-on sweeper. Cleanliness is the keystone of any well-managed business – from the smallest warehouse to a large distributor – it should be made a priority. But with the correct machine (Factory Cat Model TR) to help you fulfil these requirements, accidents like this, won’t occur.
Healthier Environment
With a cleaner space comes a healthier environment – it’s a given fact. Again, this should also be made a priority when choosing the cleaning machines for your business. Whether your workplace is small or large, it can still become a prime location for germs to reproduce and gather.
To stop cross-contamination, reduce the risk of disease and illness, ensuring you have a clean floor regularly is essential. Investing in an industrial ride-on sweeper can help with the disposal of dust and germs easily. A healthier working environment means a healthier team and increased productivity – great!
Effective Operations
If you have the choice, why disrupt your operations? There’s no need and with a clean floor, that’s one less thing you need to worry about. Meaning you can focus on the important stuff – the output of your business and meeting deadlines.
If you have a consistently dirty floor, not only are you creating the chances of an accident occurring but you’re also going to slow down the production of your business. Maintain high-standards, keep your team safe and invest in a machine that’ll help you achieve overall cleanliness without any additional time-wasting.
Are you a little more convinced now? A clean floor isn’t time-wasting when you have the correct machine that can meet your needs. We know it can be deemed as laborious and labour-intensive, but it doesn’t need to be. Especially with the Factory Cat Model TR time will be on your side and your workplace will be the cleanest it has EVER been!
Factory Cat Model TR Ride-On Floor Sweeper: The Specifics
Built for success the Factory Cat Model TR can sweep almost anything! Including dirt, dust, metal shavings, foundry sand, bolts, paper, wood, whatever there is. The Model TR is reliable and continues to perform time and time again. It has key attention to detail and its cleaning standard is SECOND TO NONE.
This machine works in two parts. The first part focuses on collecting dirt. It has side brooms to sweep up dirt in the smallest of corners (those hard to reach places). The TR also has a large tubular sweeping broom under the machine that sweeps up dirt and debris on the floor and collects it in a steel hopper. The second stage uses a vacuum to trap dust in a polypropylene felt “baghouse” filter.
Comfortable and easy-to-operate, any member of the team will be able to clean the floors efficiently with this machine. With time on your side, you can ensure there’s more time available for the other important tasks.
Low Decibel Operation
Want to clean during normal business hours? Not to worry, the Factory Cat Model TR operates at a VERY low decibel so time can be saved and more importantly, no early mornings or late nights will need to be catered for cleaning. You can clean your floor whilst also focusing on the output of your business.
Dust Filtration
This floor sweeper can pick up WHOLE bags of cement at a time without leaving a single trace of dust behind – now that’s impressive! But it also has a built-in dust-control filtration system so all dust will be controlled properly.
In most cases, the filter will last the lifetime of the machine! Exposure to any dust in excessive amounts can create many respiratory problems. With the Model TR, you don’t need to worry about the risk of this – it does the job for you.
0 Point Turns
Hard to reach areas that gather dust shouldn’t be ignored. These areas are the prime locations for germs and debris to gather and become problematic. With the Model TR, it won’t skim past those hard to reach areas. This machine has 0 point turns so every spot can be cleaned to the best of its ability.
The Industries That Can Benefit
Factory Cat’s Floor Sweepers are built to sweep factories. So, whether that’s collecting bolts, wood shavings or dust – it can do every sweeping job you require. They’re a great addition to your current machinery and help keep you on top of your cleaning game.
Having a clean factory ensures that the workforce is well equipped to do their job properly. If your factory isn’t effectively cleaned, you risk workers becoming poorly and germs could collect and accidents could easily occur.
Every factory, no matter the size, can have hard to reach places that can be a haven for gathering dust and germs. But with the Factory Cat Model TR, the reliable side brooms can help get dust from the smallest of places – trust us, you won’t miss a spot!
One of the most important warehouse responsibilities is keeping on-top of cleanliness. Warehouses experience deliveries and drop-offs all day and with lots of deliveries comes dirt, dust and germs. A warehouse loading bay is a key location for this.
An industrial ride-on sweeper is an investment for any warehouse setting. Because a dustpan and brush or broom won’t cut it! Dust and debris gather everywhere so you need a machine that collects from every corner and covers a large area in the most time-efficient way.
The Factory Cat Model TR Ride-On Sweeper can perform 0 point turns. Meaning no-nonsense mobility with guaranteed control and accuracy without missing a single spot. With this machine, you won’t need to worry about endless repairs – it’s built to last even the toughest of applications.
Save time, reduce staff injury and absence and improve your overall workforce cleanliness and safety with the Factory Cat Model TR Ride-On Sweeper. Of course, this machine isn’t limited to these workforces, it can benefit most places that require an industrial sweeper.
Beta Solutions Can Help You!
Do you think your business could benefit from a Factory Cat Model TR Ride-On Floor Sweeper? If so, then look no further. We can help you make the right decision and answer any questions you might have. We understand that investing in a new machine can be a difficult decision, but we always aim to cut out the confusion and help you achieve the best cleaning results.
Although all Factory Cat machines are easy to use, we understand that most workforces would like to have their whole team trained properly. So, with that in mind, we also offer comprehensive machine training to ensure all team members are up to speed with the new machine. Then on-site cleaning can be carried out in the most timely manner.